Rather than checking the site every day, I'd like to have it monitored and be alerted when something new DOES appear on it.
Now I know there are services like ChangeDetection.com that can monitor it for me, but I was wanting to cobble something together with the tools I already have. I'd also like to have the ability to customize what it consider "a change" at my disposal when/if I need it.
To that end, I threw together the following bash script. It monitors a URL and if it detects a change, it sends an email to my gmail account letting me know.
Hope you find it useful. BTW, I'm using a program called sendEmail to send the email notification. It's in apt if you're using a debian/ubuntu-like distribution.
# monitor.sh - Monitors a web page for changes
# sends an email notification if the file change
for (( ; ; )); do
mv new.html old.html 2> /dev/null
curl $URL -L --compressed -s > new.html
DIFF_OUTPUT="$(diff new.html old.html)"
if [ "0" != "${#DIFF_OUTPUT}" ]; then
sendEmail -f $USERNAME -s smtp.gmail.com:587 \
-o tls=yes -u "Web page changed" \
-m "Visit it at $URL"
sleep 10
mv new.html old.html 2> /dev/null
curl $URL -L --compressed -s > new.html
DIFF_OUTPUT="$(diff new.html old.html)"
if [ "0" != "${#DIFF_OUTPUT}" ]; then
sendEmail -f $USERNAME -s smtp.gmail.com:587 \
-o tls=yes -u "Web page changed" \
-m "Visit it at $URL"
sleep 10
Then from a bash prompt I run it with the following command:
nohup ./monitor.sh &
Using nohup and throwing it in the background allows me to log out and have the script continue to run.