I want a middle-ground. I want to just send them a file, knowing that it contains all the required dependencies and will just run, assuming they have Python in their path.
I've known for a while that if you zip up a directory full of Python files and so long as the root of the zip file contains a __main__.py file and you can directly run the zip file via python {filename.zip}.
What I didn't know is that you can concatenate a text file containing the Python shebang ('#!/usr/bin/env python') and a python zip file and the resulting file is runnable.
#!/usr/bin/env python
PK^C^D^T^@^B^@^H^@nLHJb±gL<94>^A^@^@Ò^B^@^@^K^@^\^@__main__.pyUT ^@^C¯,<9b>Xö,<9b>Xux^K^@^A^D«<82><90>~^D^T^@^@^@u<92>ÑkÛ0^PÆßýWܲ^GÙÐ$},^EÃÂ(<85>2Ú<90>ìq ^Tûâ<88>Z<92>9<9d>º<95>±ÿ}';ÎJ`Â^O<96>ôéû~ºÓ
ÈY©1^F<93>9£4@^Q&<81>+ü<8e>O^X<88>2#tCrÌ^N0©¸<83>ÛÑw°ÌÕÂ#®Ë¾^AaÀ^PÅ >«¼h@^P;c6<8d>"^Âý=^\AB!ej<91> <9e>g¦ñ<95>Vgé<87>ÌqÏ^RC<8a>9<99>aq^O^O<9f>Cv^U^AþXQi<88>ÛÌ®°Üx<90>µó<98>^Gl ´Z^B<81>^E·¾&^B^C<83>ÕÚ§
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I stumbled upon a tool called pex which will automate generating these shebang/zip files. While I found pex useful, it seems too much for my needs. So I started cobbling together my own shebang/zip files by hand as I needed them.
Ultimately, wanted to automate this some, so I ended up creating a simple bash script (which I named 'compile.sh') to speed things up. Here's that script. Hope you find this useful.
# compile.sh
# Creates a self-runnable, single-file deployable for your python project.
# Your python project's main entry point must be in a file named __main__.py.
# It will embed in the deployable every dependency you've pip-installed in
# your virtualenv .env directory.
# The deployable still requires that python is installed on the target system.
if [[ ! -d .env/lib/python2.7/site-packages ]]; then
echo "This script must be run from a virtualenv root."
exit 1
if [[ ! -f __main__.py ]]; then
echo "This will only work if you have a __main__.py file."
exit 1
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) {output_filename}"
exit 1
TMPDIR="$(mktemp -u /tmp/python.compile.XXXXXXX)"
# Create payload zip with our code (remove extra junk)
mkdir -p "$TMPDIR/deps"
zip -9 "$TMPDIR/payload.zip" *
zip -d "$TMPDIR/payload.zip" compile.sh
zip -d "$TMPDIR/payload.zip" requirements.txt
zip -d "$TMPDIR/payload.zip" "$TARGET" > /dev/null
# Gather the virtualenv packages and clean them up
cp -R .env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/* "$TMPDIR/deps"
find "$TMPDIR/deps" -iname '*.pyc' -delete
find "$TMPDIR/deps" -ipath '*pip*' -delete
find "$TMPDIR/deps" -ipath '*easy_install*' -delete
find "$TMPDIR/deps" -ipath '*dist-info*' -delete
# Add the virtualenv packages to the payload
cd "$TMPDIR/deps"
zip -9 -r ../payload.zip *
cd "$CURDIR"
# Assemble the payload into a runable
echo '#!/usr/bin/env python' | cat - "$TMPDIR/payload.zip" > "$TARGET"
chmod +x "$TARGET"
# Cleanup
rm -r "$TMPDIR"